A healthy lifestyle

There are so many diets available (protein diet, atkins, south beach, dukan, etc...) Each of these diets promise you that you will lose weight very fast. These diets may work as quick-fix methods when you want to lose weight in a hurry. However, unless you approach a diet as a lifestyle change, the results will only be temporary. Once you start eating 'normal' again, the weight comes right back. In my opinion, the only diet that works isn't really a 'diet', it's a change of lifestyle. When you eat healthy whole food, you will lose weight, feel good and look great! 
I just bought a great book called 'De voedselzandloper', the author explains how eating healthy food can prevent diseases, slow down aging and make you lose weight. He also explains why diets don't work. Diets are an effort, they are difficult to follow (only proteins, no fats, no carbs, less calories, etc.) and they are all temporary. When you eat the right food it's not an effort, you don't have to starve yourself and the weight you lose will stay away! A healthy lifestyle is the best diet!
Eating gluten-free made me realize how important it is to eat healthy and made me more aware of what I put in my mouth. I eat fresh, nutritious whole foods (mostly organic) and say no to processed food that is packed with unhealthy fats, sugar and other bad stuff. And I've never felt better!


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